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How to Remove Mod Podge? 6 Easy Tips for a Clean and Smooth Surface

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Mod Podge is a popular sealant with a wide range of uses due to its durability. You’ll need to clean the Mod Podge off the surface when there are mistakes, spillages, or during a fresh application. However, removing it can be quite challenging.

However, the process can prove to be easy when you use the correct technique. So learning the different ways to remove Mod Podge is vital. Leaving Mod Podge on the surface can be unsightly and make it difficult to align the pieces correctly.

Are you interested in removing Mod Podge and getting a clean surface? There are several methods to remove this glue from your surfaces; however, you must exercise patience as it dries quickly. Removing Mod Podge from some materials like wood and glass is more challenging, so exercise more patience when dealing with them.

What is Mod Podge?

What is Mod Podge

Mod Podge is an all-in-one medium that can glue, seal, and finish various materials. It can be used on porous materials like wood and fabric and non-porous materials like glass. This material is non-toxic and transparent, as it is an adhesive and finishes while providing a protective seal.

It sports similar characteristics to regular glue but with more robust bonding properties and additional features. Mod Podge is useful in decoupage and other crafting projects due to its versatility.

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Is Mod Podge Easy to Remove?

Generally, removing Mod Podge from materials is challenging as it features strong bonding properties and is fast-drying. Nevertheless, you’ll find it easier on certain surfaces due to their structure. Typically, removing Mod Podge from extremely porous materials is straightforward.

The glue sticks to the surface quickly as it is fast drying, and while it can be removed, it does take some unique processes depending on the surface. On fabric and paper, the method is straightforward. A little more technique is required for wood, glass, and metal.

How to Remove Mod Podge?

Mod Podge is used to glue, seal, and finish various materials, so you may need to remove the material on multiple surfaces. Removing Mod Podge is possible with the right approach. However, this is relative to the type of material. So this guide will show you how to remove this decoupage medium on different surfaces.

The tools you need will vary based on the method and material. However, safety is vital no matter the process you follow, so ensure that proper safety measures are obeyed.

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1. How to Remove Mod Podge from Plastic?

How to Remove Mod Podge from Plastic

You may need to remove this decoupage material from plastic; thankfully, there are several ways to do this. They include petroleum jelly, warm water, a plastic brush, and dishwasher soap. Here is a step-by-step process for it:

Using Petroleum Jelly

  • Apply petroleum jelly: Use a spoon or brush to apply a generous amount of Vaseline or petroleum jelly over the area.
  • Allow to soften: It may take a few minutes to soften, so leave the jelly to weaken the Mod Podge layer.
  • Scrub off the Mod Podge: Use a toothbrush, rag, or scrub pad to rub off the now weakened Mod Podge.
  • Repeat the process: Removing the entire glue may take a few tries, so repeat the process until the Mod Podge is out. This process involves applying Vaseline, allowing it to work for a few minutes, and scrubbing it off.
  • Wash it off: After clearing all the Mod Podge, use liquid soap and water to wash off the surface. Clean with a dry rag to remove any remaining residue

Using Warm Water and a Plastic Brush

  • Sprinkle Warm Water: Use a spray can to sprinkle warm water over the Mod Podge and leave it for a few minutes to soften.
  • Scrub: After the water has softened the sealant, scrub it off using any of the following: a plastic brush, scrub pad, or toothbrush. Your chosen material should be hard enough to remove the glue but not damage the surface.
  • Repeat the Process: Sprinkle the water and allow it to soften before scrubbing off. Doing this a few times is essential until every Mod Podge is gone.
  • Clean: Wipe with a clean, dry cloth to remove all particles

Using Dishwasher or Liquid Soap

  • Sprinkle the liquid: Pour the dishwasher or liquid soap into a spray can and sprinkle the liquid over the Mod Podge.
  • Allow it to sit: The liquid should sit on the glue got about 10 minutes so it can weaken its binding layers.
  • Scrub off: Use an appropriate material like a toothbrush or scrub pad to lightly brush off the Mod Podge.
  • Rinse and Wipe: Use warm water to rinse the area, removing any residue before wiping off using a clean, dry cloth.

2. How to Remove Mod Podge from a Brush?

How to Remove Mod Podge from a Brush

The brush you used to apply the Mod Podge can be cleaned and reused for other activities. Instead of throwing the brush away after using it, remove the glue using a combination of hot water and scissors. The water may weaken the bristles, so storing the brush for later use may be unsuitable.

Using Hot Water

  • Soak the Brush: Immerse the brush in a bowl of hot water and leave it for about 5 minutes. The hot water will soften the bond between the glue and the bristles.
  • Wash in Soapy Water: After the hot water has worked into the Mod Podge, you can wash it off using warm soapy water. It’ll break down any remaining bond.
  • Inspect the Brush: Do a physical inspection to see if parts of the bristles are still glued together. Use scissors to cut off any tips still stuck to each other.
  • Rinse: Use warm water to thoroughly rinse the brush off any residue and allow it to air dry.

3. How to Remove Mod Podge from Puzzle?

How to Remove Mod Podge From Puzzle

After spending a lot of energy figuring out a jigsaw puzzle, most people prefer to seal it using Mod Podge, whether to show off to friends or admire their hard work. However, this euphoria often fizzles out, and you may need the pieces for another challenge. Removing Mod Podge from a puzzle requires carefulness as it is easy to damage the parts.

Using Warm Water

Soak the puzzle in warm water overnight to give it enough time to loosen the seal. After this, it’ll be easy to work the puzzle pieces. Rub the components off to remove the now pliable seal on them.

Using a Bag of Hot Water

Put the puzzle in a plastic hot water bag and allow it to work in the Mod Podge for 2-4 hours. However, soak the plastic bag in water or alcohol beforehand to prevent the Mod Podge from sticking to it.

Soak and Scrub

Soaking the puzzle in water is often the go-to strategy to remove Mod Podge. But this method includes scribing with a toothbrush. With the toothbrush, you can target the puzzle edges where the Mod Podge is in higher concentration.

4. How to Remove Mod Podge from Glass and Ceramic?

How to Remove Mod Podge From Glass and Ceramic

Glass and other extra smooth surfaces like glazed ceramic require slightly different approaches to remove Mod Podge. The methods depend on whether the glue is wet or dry. Wet Mod Podge can easily be wiped off using a rag or fingers. Rinse the rag and your fingers after cleaning off the wet Mod Podge. If the glue is dry, here’s what to do:

Using a Razor Blade or Scraper

A combination of a razor blade or scraper and sometimes water is enough to remove dry Mod Podge from ceramic or glass. Spritz water on the surface and allow it to soften before scraping using a razor blade. The smooth glass surface makes it easy to scratch without damaging the surface. Complete the process by cleaning the area with regular glass cleaners to remove any remaining particles.

5. How to Remove Mod Podge from Fabric?

Fabric is one of the most accessible surfaces to remove Mod Podge, thanks to its highly porous surface. One easy way to remove the glue is to wait for it to dry before scraping it off using your fingernails, as it forms a scaly layer. Where this does not work, you can employ another method to scrape it.

Using Heat and Brush

  • Apply Heat: You can use a heat gun to gently apply heat to the specific area or wrap the cloth in foil and place it in the oven for a few minutes. Ensure to preheat the oven below 300 Fahrenheit.
  • Observe the Mod Podge: Inspect the area and remove it from heat when the Pod Podge has melted and is bubbly.
  • Scrape off: A brush is enough to remove a melted Mod Podge from your fabric. You can also use your fingers for this.

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6. How to Remove Mod Podge from Wood?

How to Remove Mod Podge from Wood

Mod Podge is popular with woodworkers as it helps join two pieces, deal with the surface, and provide a glossy finish. However, removing spillages can be a chore, so you must exercise patience when scrapping Mod Podge off the wood. There are a few methods to employ with excellent success rates. Unlike glass, you may lose your paint and finish on the wood while removing the Mod Podge.

Using Warm Water

  • Soften the Glue: A combination of warm water and a damp rag soaked in warm water can soften the mod pod and remove some of it. Spritz some warm water onto the area and cover it with a wet rag, ideally soaked with warm water.
  • Scrape: After about an hour, some of the Mod Podge should come off with the rag. You can scrape the rest off the surface using a scraper.

Using Heat and White Vinegar

  • Preheat Oven: Set the oven to about 250 Fahrenheit and preheat.
  • Mix the Materials: You’ll need to mix one cup of white vinegar with three cups of water in a baking dish and place it in the second oven layer.
  • Apply the White Vinegar mix: First, scrape off excess Mod Podge to make your work easier. Rub the mixture generously into the Mod Podge.
  • Bake: Place the wood in the preheated oven and leave for about two hours.
  • Scrape off: Take it out from the heat source and allow it to cool down. It may take up to an hour. Scrape the hardened Mod Podge from the surface.


We understand you may have questions about removing Mod Podge from surfaces, so we’ve compiled and answered some commonly asked questions.

Q1. Can you use bleach or acetone to remove Mod Podge?

Ans: While bleach or acetone can remove Mod Podge from some surfaces, they are harsh and may damage the material. It is best to avoid using these materials.

Q2. How to remove Mod Podge from leather?

Ans: A combination of solvents and detergents can remove Mod Podge from leather. However, you must first identify the type of leather as the suitable solvents vary.

Q3. How to remove Mod Podge from shoes?

Ans: Use soapy water, a sponge, and a toothbrush to remove Mod Podge from your shoes. It is common to find this glue on your shoes as it drops onto them during application.


Mod Podge can finish, glue, and seal different surfaces, which has become popular. The strength and quick-drying abilities make it a valuable material for your art and crafts projects. However, this can pose a challenge when removing the Mod Podge.

Thankfully there are different methods to remove all suitable to varying surfaces. They have varying degrees of success, with some affecting the material’s finish and texture.