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What Hole Saw Size Should I Use For A Door Knob? [2023]

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Doors need knobs to make them easy to open and close the door while ensuring security. Installing door knobs has become easier over the years, with DIYers able to cut the required hole and fix the knob with a few tools. You must install a door knob for better access and security if you have a brand-new door.

One of the main tools for installing door knobs in a door is the hole saw, a cylindrical saw with toothed edges and usually made of metal, some featuring stainless steel material. Hole saws create spots that are vital for installing door knobs. Hole saws can only create holes the size of their diameter, which is why different hole saw sizes are available.

Door knob hole size is integral to your door’s security and ability to function correctly. This is why getting the correct door knob hole size that fits the door knob is essential. Your hole saw dimensions will determine the hole you create for your door knob. So which hole saw size should you use for a door knob? Find out inside this guide alongside other helpful information. Before discussing which hole saw size to use, we need to understand why hole saw size matters when installing door knobs.

Why Does Hole Saw Size Matter When Installing Door Knobs?

Why is it essential to get the hole saw size when installing a door knob? This may seem obvious, but many people still erroneously believe that just any door knob hole size is enough to fix their door knobs. Getting the wrong size will mean the knob not fitting correctly, which correlates to a poorly done locking system that cannot hold a little force. Using the wrong door knob hole saw size will create holes that make it easier for your security to be compromised.

When you have a hole smaller than the required diameter, you can quickly fix them by making a wider hole with the correct hole saw. However, this gets a bit challenging with bigger than required holes, where you’ll need to employ unique methods to reduce the hole size to fit the doorknob.

What is the Standard Hole Saw Size?

What is The Standard Hole Saw Size
Image Source: uooz.com

Hole sizes for door knobs can vary depending on several factors, like the size of the door and door knobs, among others; however, there is also a standard door knob hole saw size used in the majority of residential buildings. Most door knobs are also made with this standard bore hole size in mind, so most of the door knobs you purchase from the store will fit the door knob hole.

The standard door knob hole is 2⅛”, which means the standard hole saw to make such a cut should have a diameter of 2⅛”. This figure is usually for recent doors with thicker builds, as older doors a thinner and, as such, have a smaller standard door knob diameter. However, knowing the standard hole saw size for most recent door knobs is not enough to get the correct hole saw to use for your particular door.

What Hole Saw Size is Ideal For Your Door Knob?

What Hole Saw Size is Ideal For Your Door Knob
Image source: homedepot.com

You can find out if the standard hole saw size for installing door knobs will apply to your needs or if you’ll need a different hole saw when you make the necessary measurements.

1. Check Door Thickness

Check Door Thickness
Image source: thermatrubenchmark.com

Doors typically have a thickness between 1⅜” and 1¾”, with recent doors sporting larger door sizes than older doors. You need to determine that your door thickness lies within this range to ensure standard door knob sizes will fit in the door. Use the measuring tape to get the exact thickness and compare it with the standard door sizes.

You should also measure the backset, which is the distance between the bore’s center and the door’s edge. The measuring tape can take this measurement; however, it is advisable to take the size twice to avoid mistakes. The standard backset measurement is 2⅜” to 2¾”.

2. Making the Correct Hole Size

Making The Correct Hole Size
Image source: cherokeeobserver.org

Knowing the correct hole saw size to use and creating the right spot are two distinct areas many DIYers need help to align. This is why we have this section to guide you on utilizing the hole saw to avoid mistakes. With the proper measurements and tools, you should get the correct hole size for the door knob. Here is a straightforward process to get the correct dimension.

  • Mark the hole position: It is usually three feet off the ground for regular doors and a few inches away from the edge to make it easier to access the handle. Measure using the measuring tape and mark the center with a pencil.
  • Bore the hole: connect the chosen hole saw bit to a drill and place the saw on the selected door knob location while ensuring the hole saw’s centerpiece is on the marked spot. Turn on the drill and cut the hole till the saw’s centerpiece comes out from the other side of the door. At this point, you should remove the hole saw and complete the cutting from the other side of the door to avoid splintering.
  • Create a latch hole: this hole runs perpendicular from the center of the door knob hole to the door edge. The typical hole saw size used to create latch holes is 1″. Attach a faceplate over the latch hole by removing the top layer to create a mortise using a chisel and hammer. The faceplate will prevent wear and tear.

Factors that Affect the Size of a Door Knob Hole Saw Size

While the standard hole saw size for door knobs is known, this is not a constant across every door due to some factors. These factors affect the size of the door knob hole to cut, and the hole saw size. Here are some of the factors that affect the hole saw size:

  • Door thickness: the door thickness is one of the significant factors affecting the hole saw size you can use to install door knobs. Thicker doors will typically require larger door knobs; luckily, most doors share a typical thickness and are primarily divided based on use, with residential door thickness different from the thickness of doors for commercial buildings.
  • Size of door: door sizes affect the size of door knobs required and, invariably, the hole saw size. Large doors need bigger door knobs and wider knob holes since more work is necessary to move the door.
  • Circumference of door knob: while letting the door knob hole guide your door size choice is the way to go, sometimes this is impossible. If you already have a doorknob, this will affect the door knob hole you cut into the door. However, the doorknob must fit the door’s thickness before you can go ahead with using its dimensions to cut a hole into the door.

Tips For Creating The Perfect Hole For Your Door Knob

Tips For Creating The Perfect Hole For Your Door Knob
Image Source: uooz.com

After establishing the importance of correctly getting your door knob hole size, you may be under pressure to get the cutting process right. Here are tips to help you make the right cuts:

  • Use a sharp hole saw to prevent splintering and rough cuts. When using a blunt hole saw, it is easier to make cutting mistakes, including a shift in the hole position.
  • Double-check all measurements to prevent making a costly mistake when cutting the door knob hole.
  • Check the whole saw package for possible guidance on the suitable hole size. However, these figures are sometimes not exact and should be there to guide you on the possible hole size to cut.


Here is a further guide on the correct hole saw size for your door knobs; however, in the form of FAQs. It answers common questions about the size of a door knob hole saw.

Q1. How to fix a big door knob hole?

Ans. Reduce the hole using wood filler mixed to a slightly liquid consistency. Apply the wood filler using a paintbrush, leaving an even layer around the hole.

Q2. Are door knob sizes universal?

Ans. No, but they are primarily within similar ranges, with a standard size also available. The similarities create uniformity and make it replace damaged door knobs.

Q3. What is the door latch hole size?

Ans. The standard door latch hole size is 2⅛”, with other sizes also available. However, several different sizes depending on factors like door thickness and size of the door.

Q4. Do door sellers can cut door knob holes?

Ans. Yes, most door sellers like Lowes will cut the door knob holes for you using their professional tools if you ask. Most will also sell door knob cutting tools like the hole saw, chisel, and more for DIYers who prefer to cut themselves.

Q5. Are the deadbolt hole and door knob hole the same size?

Ans. Yes, the deadbolt hole and door knob hole share the same size. So it is typical that the size of either the deadbolt or the door knob hole will be the same for the other.


Door knobs are essential to the functionality of your door, which is why getting the correct hole size is critical. Measuring the thickness of the door, among other parts, will help you determine the right hole saw to use.

While there is no perfect hole saw size for all door knobs, the 2⅛” hole saw is the standard size used for most recent residential door knobs. Choosing the correct hole saw to bore the spot for your door knob should depend on your door’s particular features.