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How to Anchor a Shed Without Concrete? A Comprehensive Guide

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Sheds are valuable structures in the house that you can use as a workspace and storage area. They come in various designs and sizes, depending on your preference. Making shed structures can be expensive and labor-intensive, so ensure your shed is durable.

One of the ways to ensure the shed’s longevity is by securing it firmly to the ground. There are many ways to anchor this shed to the ground, one of which is by using concrete.

However, concrete anchoring is expensive and difficult to remove, which is unsuitable for mobile sheds. With the many challenges facing concrete anchoring, shed builders constantly look for other ways to achieve the same result without concrete.

Concrete anchors have high durability, so any proposed alternative should feature similar durability levels; luckily, there are several ways to achieve this.

This guide shows an alternative way to secure your shed to the ground without concrete. But before then, let’s see why anchoring a shed is essential.

Why Do You Need to Anchor a Shed?

Is anchoring a shed important? Why don’t we build sheds without anchors, especially as it’s easier? This section answers some of the tough questions about the importance of anchoring sheds.

1. Obeying Building Regulations

Obeying Building Regulations

Localities have regulations that builders must adhere to ensure safety and uniformity. To get a building permit for your shed, you must obey the regulations for such structures in your locale. In many places, anchoring the shed is among the rules that must be followed before permits are issued.

If you fail to anchor your shed in places where this is required for a building permit, you risk fines and a possible jail term. Be sure to visit your local building council to learn the rules guiding shed anchorage in your locality.

2. Safety

Consider your safety and that of your neighbors when building a shed. When you do, you’ll see how essential it is to anchor your shed. No matter the weather, you’ll feel safer with the anchor material holding the building to the ground.

If sheds are not secured to the ground, winds and floods can quickly move the shed or some parts of it, which poses a security concern. The shed can be forced into surrounding buildings, against vehicles, and hit people. It is necessary to hold this structure to the ground for the safety of its users and the people around it.

3. Prevent Damage

Prevent Damage
Image Source: safesheds

Strong winds and floods can affect sheds not secured to the ground, tearing them apart and wasting your efforts. Anchoring sheds is essential to preserve the shed and prevent damage to any part. The damage caused will far outweigh the minute cost of installing an anchor.

4. Ensure Strength And Stability

Sheds are typically durable structures that should last several decades with minimal maintenance. However, its durability is negatively affected when not adequately secured to the ground. Fastening the shed boosts the shed material’s natural stability and strength.

There are also anchoring materials that hold the roof down, enhancing the strength of the outside walls. If you want to enjoy a stable and durable shed, securing it to the ground should not be a debate.

How to Anchor a Shed Without Concrete?

How to Anchor a Shed Without Concrete?

Now that you understand the importance of shed anchoring, the next step is learning how to achieve this stability without using concrete. Auger-style anchors are one of the best ways to anchor a shed without concrete.

Auger-style anchors resemble corkscrews due to their threads. They are screwed into the ground and attached to the shed base using ropes or nuts. It is easy to install an auger-style anchor as it does not involve using concrete at any point. This type of shed anchoring is suitable for temporary or mobile sheds.

While there are other alternatives, auger-style anchors are the most common. The anchors go deep into the ground, providing stability and strength. You can quickly remove this anchor by detaching from the shed’s base and unscrewing it from the earth.

Here’s how to secure a shed using auger-style anchors:

1. Mark Anchor Locations

You have to decide the number of anchors to use and the suitable locations in the ground. Four auger-style anchors are typically enough to hold down small and midsize sheds. However, longer sheds may require 6 to 8 anchors to secure them.

Around the corners is the best location to install auger steels for anchoring your shed. You may need to install anchors around the central area of the shed side to secure longer sheds.

2. Screw Auger Steel to The Ground

Screw Auger Steel to The Ground

An impact wrench and matching bits are ideal for driving the auger steel into the ground.

Fixing the steel in the ground is made straightforward with these tools, as you don’t have to exert much pressure on the auger steel.

Start by placing the steel in the marked spot with the tip pointing downwards. You’ll need to choose the impact wrench bit that’ll fit into the auger steel – this will vary depending on the steel top. Turn on the wrench to drive the steel into the ground to a considerable depth.

The ideal depth depends on the soil type and steel length. Use longer steels when securing more extensive sheds and fixing them into soft soil.

3. Attach to The Shed

You can use different materials to attach the auger steel to the shed. Cables, brackets, and direct connecting using timber spacers are common ways to fasten the shed to the auger steel. These materials have varying levels of efficiency and uses.

Some methods involve cables over the shed to secure it to the ground. The wires hold the roof and improve the outside wall strength. You can also pass the line over other structural members, like the base frame. However, using brackets and timber spacers is unassuming and will not deface the shed.


Using auger-style or arrowhead anchoring methods to secure a shed is straightforward; however, there may still be lingering questions about the process. Check out this FAQs section for answers.

Q1. What are the considerations when anchoring without concrete?

Ans: There are factors to consider before securing the shed without using concrete. These factors will ensure the strength of the anchorage.
• Soil type- This can be soft or hard soil, with soft soil less stable, so you’ll need to use longer steels and install them deeper.
• The size and weight of the shed- Extensive sheds will require robust anchoring systems to hold them to the ground.
• Shed regulations- Find out the building regulations in your locale and what it says about anchoring. It is vital to obey the rules to get a permit.

Q2. How many anchors do I need for my shed?

Ans: The number of anchors required is tied to the size and weight of the shed and the type of soil. Typically, it would help if you had at least an anchor in each shed corner.

Q3. Can I relocate my shed if it’s anchored without concrete?

Ans: Sheds anchored without concrete can easily be relocated. Pilings, ground anchors, and other options are easy to remove.


While concrete is a durable shed anchoring method, it has its limitations. It is also difficult to use concrete anchors for already-built sheds.

Concrete is expensive and difficult to remove when moving. It’s why other alternatives like auger-style and arrowhead anchors are popular. These materials used to hold anchor sheds are easy to install without expert building experience.

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